Monday, November 13, 2017

"Two Fathers" January 16, 2017

"After getting a call with some hard-to-hear news about my mom tonight, I just wanted to just go to bed and be done with today. However, I needed to put Myles to bed first. So Myles and I went upstairs, brushed his teeth and got into his bed. I didn't feel like reading anything to him, but Myles wanted me to. So I picked up his "Action Bible" and turned to the chapter he had already bookmarked. It was the story of Ezekiel and the vision God gave him of the "dry bones." I read it to Myles. And while the vision that God gave to Ezekiel was a prophetic vision of what God would eventually do with Israel, it was also a picture of what the power of God can do. God can take a bunch of old dead dry bones, give them tendons and flesh and breath life back into them. The power of God.

It could have ended there, but Myles wanted me to read out of his other "My First Bible," as well. This time, Myles eagerly pawed through the pages looking for page 25. I didn't know why he wanted page 25, or what was on it, but he finally found it and gave it to me. So I read to him what was there - the shortened story of King Solomon. Myles Bible said King Solomon had a dream, a dream where God told Solomon to ask Him for whatever he wanted and God would give it to him. So King Solomon asked God to make him wise and, even though it was just a dream, God really answered Solomon's prayer and made him a wise king. In fact, Solomon was the wisest king.

These two stories that I read to Myles tonight, which I did not pick out, came at the perfect time. And as I see it now, tonight was not about me reading a story to my son. It was about two fathers, speaking to their children. The message? God can do anything. Just ask him.

Oh Lord my God, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, please heal my mom. Amen.

Originally published to Facebook 1/16/17

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